best face cream5 Tips by physicians on how to remove pimples and pimple marks | No Scars

December 15, 2020by admin0

Nobody likes pimples. But pimples are the irritating acne that generally finds its way on your skin. The most unfortunate thing about pimples is that they mostly emerge when you have a special event, an important day, a date, or even before an event. So, indeed, you cannot rush to the hospital and waste time in getting medicines prescribed, right? What if you know some remedies that can shove off all your pimples in a few hours?

Come on, your skin should be your priority, and if you are not taking care of your skin, your overall health can go for a toss. It would help if you were sure that your skin was flawless and without any pimples.

  1. Use Pimple Creams Regularly 

The way you use different creams to keep your skin smooth, in the same way, try to apply the Best cream for pimples on your affected areas. Of course, since these creams are meant for your pimples, you will not experience anything wrong. The creams will work on your pimples and even the pimple marks decently. You can be sure that your skin leaves all the pimples behind, and you get that perfect look. However, make sure that you use only the right, safe and effective cream for pimples like No Scars products. After all, if the products you are using are not good, they may not work well for you.

Give a Try to Aspirin Aspirin is an unusual but effective home remedy for pimples. It is an instant way that you can get relief from your pimple and all that comes along. So, all you need to do is crush a few aspirin tablets and add them with a tiny amount of water for forming a paste. Then apply the ready paste on your pimples and cover them entirely. Allow it to get dry throughout the night, and wash the pimple area with water the following morning to lessen the pimple’s intensity. The anti-inflammatory action that aspirin possesses helps the skin fight inflammation, redness, swelling, and pain.

  1. Toothpaste 

Well, you may use toothpaste just for your teeth, but have you ever wondered that it can do much more for you? Yes, it is the most practical home remedy for any pimples. This is not simply highly effective but is something that is conveniently available in everybody’s house. Moreover, the icing on the cake is that it is even very effective for removing zits overnight. It is better to apply white toothpaste rather than go for the jelly ones.

So, what are you still waiting for tonight? Apply a blob of white toothpaste on your pimples, let it be there overnight, and wash it the following day? The point is, it is the anti-bacterial ingredients of toothpaste that make it a powerful pimple remedy. Once you apply it regularly, you will see how your stubborn pimples disappear slowly, and you get a flawless experience.

  1. Use Lemon for Your Pimples 

Lemmon is not only good at adding taste to a variety of your dishes, but it is also suitable for many skin conditions, ailments, and especially pimples. Lemmon is extensively used as a home remedy for stubborn pimples. It cleans up the pimple marks, and there stays no oil on the skin. It lessens the redness, pain, and swelling caused by the pimple. You may even feel some tickling sensations, but for good only.

However, you must ensure that you use only the fresh juice of a lemon. Don’t apply the lemon juice that you have stored for many days. It won’t be as effective as the former is. So, squeeze some lemon juice into a bowl or utensil and dip a cotton swab in it and apply it to the pimples. Within a few hours, your skin will be pimple-free, or your pimples will reduce significantly.

  1. Make it a Habit to Not pop pimples.

It is true and unrestrainable that it is alluring, but there is a reason why you must not pop your pimples. Popping pimples can push infected material further into your skin; it will then lead to more swelling and even redness, and even scarring. If you feel a pimple coming before a significant or big event, like a prom or an event, you can use the right product or even visit a dermatologist.

Moreover, once you stop touching your skin repeatedly, you will see that your skin will stay clean and smooth otherwise, too. Pimples will not emerge in the first place, and you get a fantastic experience. The lesser you touch your skin, the better your sin stays. And once you have pimples, touching your skin, especially the pimples area, could be a massive problem for you.

Other Important Points to Remember for Pimples 

Of course, since you just read about five tips that are good for your pimples, make sure that you do not miss out on the following points too. After all, the more you are informed, the better you can take care of your pimples.

Wash your face twice a day 

It would be commendable if you washed your face twice a day. Please wash it with warm water and a nice mild soap specifically made for people with acne. Make sure that you gently massage your face with circular motions. There is no requirement to scrub. Over-washing and scrubbing may activate skin to become irritated. Once you have washed your face, you can apply a cream that is meant for pimples. Hence, you can be sure that whatever dust accumulated on your face throughout the day, you have got rid of it.

Clean your makeup 

You must remove your makeup before you go to sleep. Make sure you choose the brands that say “noncomedogenic” or “non-acnegenic” on the label when you purchase makeup. Throw away old or any makeup that smells or appears somewhat different from when you first purchased it. The more you are careful about using the correct and safe makeup on your skin and cleaning it off before going to bed, the better it will be for your skin.

Moreover, you often feel too tired, and you do not have the patience or strength to go to the washroom and wash your makeup. Well, it may be not very pleasant for that moment, but you should not miss out on cleaning your makeup. You have no idea how makeup can harm your face and lose its grace. If you are wearing makeup on your face, it is okay. But make sure that every night, you must clean it up gently. Do not let the makeup sit on your face for longer hours.


To sum up, whether the best cream for acne scars, your proper skincare regime, or anything else, it is only you who can do something about your pimples. Make sure that you follow all the tips that can help you stay away from your pimples. 


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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making the lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectations and help in living a better life. Commitment to excellence and continuous innovation backed by research and development is our objective. NO SCARS aims to offer you flawless skin free without any expensive treatments. It leaves the skin glowing and fresh and makes you an instant head-turner.

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