No scars soapBest Itching Soap for Itchy Skin | No Scars

September 4, 2019by admin0

Whenever somebody talks about health, the first point that strikes an individual’s mind is the significance of regular exercise, proper sleep, and a healthy diet. But an essential facet that everyone may not pay attention to is skin health.

Having healthy skin is about sufficiently hydrating the skin and protecting it from damage caused by the environment. One feels self-confident with healthy glowing skin.

Hence, the facet of the skin depicts what’s the condition underneath the skin. If the condition worsens, piercing the skin layers deeply may lead to severe damage such as flaky skin. Also, rigid and compact skin cells make skin feel itchy, excruciating, and dry.

Therefore, scars on the skin may lower down the morale of a person, especially a facial scar. One may not feel confident enough to step out of the house, attend parties, socialize with different kinds of people, etc. Also, there is a myth about scars that they cannot completely vanish.

Any burn, injury, or surgery on the skin can create a scar. If we imagine a piece of cloth, one tear can make the cloth appear different. The same is the case with the scars. Scars form when the thick layer of skin gets damaged. Scars can vanish away completely if given proper treatment at the right time.

The body then starts forming a natural type of protein known as collagen fibres, which may repair the skin but might often end up as a scar. The scars usually develop after a wound completely heals.

The most common types of scars include hypertrophic scars and keloid scars, resulting from piercings, severe burns, insect bites, chickenpox, tattoos, etc. They are more likely to occur in young people between 10 years to 30 years of age group.

Getting surgery for the scars is not the solution. Surgery only makes the scar appearance look less visible. It also may create irritation and itchiness on the skin. Hence, you can find the best itching soap available in the market to reduce the itchiness and redness caused due to itching.

Furthermore, many home remedies help overcome scars, itchy skin to a great extent and make the skin look glowing and healthy. So, home remedies include:

  • Turmeric: Turmeric is an antiseptic that works naturally on scars, making the skin soft and smooth without any irritation. It contains a cumin compound that tends to reduce the excess production of melanin. Also, when used with honey, it gives the best results.
  • Shea Butter: It helps to lighten the skin scars. Using natural unfiltered shea butter contains nutrients that help to moisturize and bring brightening the skin out. A refined version of shea butter available in the market may result in itchiness due to excessive filtering, which means natural nutrients have been destroyed.
  • Lemon: For lightening up the skin scars, how one can forget about lemons. Lemon is the pure and natural form as it contains alpha-hydroxy acids, which help heal the skin deep inside. Moreover, it assists in attaining the elasticity of the skin.
  • Essential Oils: Many types of scars can be healed with the help of essential oils such as tea tree oil, lavender oil, carrot seed, etc. One of the best options is mixing the oils. Mixing the lavender oil in rose water and applying it two times a day on the scars can provide effective results.
  • Honey: Honey, in its raw form, can work wonders. It is a moisturizing agent that helps in regenerating the tissues of the skin. A mixture of cinnamon with honey is the most effective treatment, which helps remove the scars, keeping the skin smooth, soft, and straightforward.
  • Onion Extracts: Daily usage of onion extracts helps reduce the appearance of scars in a few weeks. It is an excellent agent to fight acne. Also, it assists in reducing soreness, redness, and inflammation. For more effective results, one needs to mix it with silicon by using it one day.
  • Gooseberry Powder: Mixing gooseberry powder with olive oil, forming a paste, and applying it on alternate days for 10-15 minutes can make the skin look beautiful. Gooseberry is rich in Vitamin C, which assists in lightening the skin marks. Olive oil nourishes the skin during the healing process.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera hydrates the skin by penetrating and nourishing it. Moreover, it improves the skin semblance. It includes mannose phosphate, which assists in tissue growth and heals the cellular level of the skin. Aloe Vera is the best ingredient to use, which gives outstanding results.
  • Coconut Oil: Using coconut oil twice a day helps to reduce itchiness and inflammation on the skin within 24 hours. It helps lighten the scars, make them less noticeable, and protect the skin from damage caused by the sun. It is among the best ingredients for scar reduction.

Itchy dry skin is also one of the major concerns to worry about. Itchy and dry skin depicts the skin has been damaged. Dry air is the main reason that makes skin look dry and causes irritation and itchiness on the skin, leading to scars.

Hence, there is a variety of soaps available in the market. But, using scented and hypoallergenic soaps could worsen the condition resulting in more itching. Therefore, No Marks soap for itchy skin deals with every skin type assuring to reduce scars and making the skin glowing and healthy-looking.

No scars provide the best-medicated soap to cleanse the skin deeply. It contains different components such as glycerine, citric acid, almond oil, cocoa fatty acid, and aloe vera. All the components tend to repair the skin from inside by working on the portion which is damaged.

  • Glycerine is the essential natural ingredient that prevents the skin from getting dry. It deeply works on the scars, moisturizing them and making the skin look flawless.
  • Coco fatty acid is an excellent massage oil when one looks for giving a soft and soothing effect to the skin, thereby letting no irritation on the face.
  • Citric acid exfoliates the skin and removes the dead layer of skin cells, helps in tightening the damaged skin, and brings out the fairer skin underneath.
  • Almond oil has a good amount of Vitamin E and A to humidify the skin and cleanse all pores deeply. I was cleaning the pores resulted in the low formation of whiteheads, blackheads, and blemishes inside the skin.
  • Aloe Vera, the natural ingredient rich in many vitamins and minerals, assists in keeping the oily skin dry, reduces the development of acne, therefore rejuvenates the skin.

Having a lot of patience during the skin healing process is essential. No doubt, it takes a couple of years for the skin to look the same before the damage occurs. However, it is difficult, but not impossible, as skin treatments take their own time.

Switching onto every new product may also prove to be a cause of damaging the skin. One should stick to the same product if it suits the skin type. After all, for healthy and flawless skin, it only needs care with good products.


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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectation and help in living a better life.

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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making the lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectations and help in living a better life. Commitment to excellence and continuous innovation backed by research and development is our objective. NO SCARS aims to offer you flawless skin free without any expensive treatments. It leaves the skin glowing and fresh and makes you an instant head-turner.

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