No scars soapSoapMoisturizing soap for dry skin | No Scars

January 12, 2020by admin0

Skin is the topmost layer of the body that is very prone to the particles present in the air. Different people have different kinds of skin types. Some people have oily skin, some have dry skin, and some combine these two types. The problem related to the skin depends upon the skin type as oily skin is very acne-prone, whereas dry skin causes redness and itchiness on the skin. Different products are available in the market that helps in coping up with all these problems. Moisturizing soap for dry skin is one of the best remedies used to prevent the problems caused by this. The following factors cause dry skin:

  • External factors: these factors are the easiest to detect. It includes cold temperatures and low humidity that occur primarily during winters. Even pollution in the environment also leads to dryness. The presence of harmful particles in the air when it comes in contact with the skin absorbs its moisture, making it dry. The washing with harsh soaps, overuse of sanitizers, or any lipid solvents also leads to dryness on the skin. So the doctors always recommend applying good moisturizing soap and even applying the best suitable moisturizing lotion after every wash. In winters oiling the skin also prevents dryness.


  • Internal factors: dry skin may be caused due to some medical issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, any allergy, or any acne medication. Sometimes there are chances that with age, people get more prone to dry skin. Even conditions like diabetes, eczema, hypothyroidism and even malnutrition lead to dry skin.

Apart from these factors, many home remedies can be taken to get rid of dry skin.

Some of them are listed below:

  • Coconut oil: as we all know, coconut oil is highly beneficial to the health of a human being. Coconut oil has many beneficial trusted properties that will help fill the spaces between the cells of the skin, and with this, it creates a smooth surface. The saturated fatty acid in coconut oil helps in keeping the skin hydrated and smooth. Even coconut oil can be used on sensitive body parts. Apart from keeping the skin hydrated, it also makes the skin glowing and is suitable for women in their middle age as it helps tighten the skin. Another advantage of coconut oil is it does not mix with anything and is very gentle and easy to use.

    • Petroleum jelly: according to the trusted studies related to skin, petroleum jelly products are perfect for keeping dry skin. The petroleum jelly has mineral oil that acts as the protective layer, traps the skin’s moisture and does not let it go out. It also helps in healing irritated skin patches.
    • Oatmeal baths: it is one of the most common and effective remedies for irritated, dry skin. According to the trusted sources, it was shown that this remedy had been prescribed by the grandmothers and by their grandmothers. The oatmeal contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidants that help in soothing the irritation. This is a very effective remedy for the person who has more itchiness on their skin. The bath with the oatmeal helps to make sure that the skin locks the hydration inside the skin. Oatmeal is present in many skin related products as well. But a bath with this at home is very simple. You have to grind the oatmeal to the fine powder and then stir it into warm water. The water is ready for your bath.
    • Antioxidants and omega- 3s: when a person has dry skin, it means that that person’s body exposes the elements that are damaging the skin cells faster than it is repairing them. So to make the skin look healthier, the person can include a rich nutrients diet so that the food rich in antioxidants will minimize the impact of the toxins produced by the skin. Some of the rich in antioxidants are blueberries, carrots, beans, tomatoes, lentils. These foods are rich in omega-three fatty acids that help in making the skin look healthier.
    • Gloves: there are some people whose skin, when it comes to the direct contact of any environmental irritants, causes a problem on the skin. So the people having such a problem should wear gloves while doing any work with laundry detergent or dish soap. Apart from this, when the temperature falls outside and becomes very cold, it is recommended to wear gloves after applying a good moisturizer. Sometimes there are chances that the usage of harsh bathing soaps leads to dry skin. So it is better to go for the best moisturizing soap for dry skin to make the skin look healthier.
    • Adjust your shower temperature: to relieve the skin from dryness. It is sometimes recommended to change the shower routines. Some people take a bath with very hot water, which is not suitable for the skin as it leads to scalding and even causes damage. And even the use of soap also can affect the health of the skin. The chemicals present in the soap can lead to thinning of the skin and many allergic reactions. So the specialists recommend taking a bath with water that is warm, not hot. And take baths with soaps that are rich in moisture and gentle fragrance.
    • Avoid allergens and irritants: dryness on the skin may also be caused by the clothes that we wear or the skin exposed to the outside world. Some people feel irritated by wearing woollen clothes. So it is better to go for clothes that suit the body. Check the clothes before buying them so that they go with your skin.


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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making the lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectations and help in living a better life. Commitment to excellence and continuous innovation backed by research and development is our objective. NO SCARS aims to offer you flawless skin free without any expensive treatments. It leaves the skin glowing and fresh and makes you an instant head-turner.

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