Face WashBest Oil Control Facewash in India | No Scars

December 9, 2019by admin0

Everyone hates skin problems. The main reason behind this is that they make your skin look bad, the most visible part of the human body. Skin problems lower the confidence of the people and their esteem. Thus, skin problems impact the appearance of a person’s skin and influence a person’s psychological health. Oily skin is one such problem. Many people around us are suffering from oily skin or have experienced it at some point in their lives. Such people try to get rid of this problem through means like oil control face wash. If you are one of those who has an issue with oily skin, then we are here for you. This article will discuss the causes of oily skin and some suitable measures to control this problem. So, without any further delay, let’s get started.

How does our skin get oily?

We know that we have multiple skin pores in our skin, and under each of the skin pores, we have a sebaceous gland that produces the oil in our skin. Sometimes the oil production by these glands is too much, which results in more oily skin that appears greasy and shiny.

Oily skin may lead to some other skin problems such as pimples and acne. Thus you should be able to identify the leading cause behind your oily skin so that you can take the remedial measures to control that problem.

Causes of the oily skin

There are many causes of oily skin, some of which are discussed below: –

  • Genetics: In most cases, the primary cause of the oily skin issue may be genetic. If one of your parents is suffering from oily skin, then the chances are that you will also be suffering from the same issue. This is because your sebaceous glands’ nature will depend upon your DNA.
  • Age factor: Another main reason behind too much oil or sebum production maybe age. Usually, as you age, your skin will likely produce less oil. In most cases, the ageing skin loses essential proteins like collagen, due to which sebaceous glands also slow down. Because of the same reason, most old-aged people suffer from the issue of dry skin. Also, the fine lines and wrinkles are more visible because of the lack of collagen and sebum in old age. Thus, you may notice that with your growing age, your skin will produce oil differently.
  • Your living conditions and time of the year: The place where you live and the time of the year may also have a massive impact on your skin’s oiliness. Usually, people suffer the problem of oily skin more when in a humid and hot climate. That’s why we face the issue of oily or greasy skin more during the summers than during the winters or fall season. No doubt, that’s why we suggest using those skincare products in summer that are less greasy as our sebaceous glands are already producing too much of the oil.
  • Enlarged pores: Sometimes, our skin pores get stretched out because of weight fluctuations, age, or previous breakouts. These larger skin pores usually tend to produce more oil or sebum, making the skin too oily. This is a bit complex cause because you can’t just shrink your skin pores.
  • Using wrong products: Another reason you may be having too much oily skin may be the wrong skincare products you are regularly using. Even if you use the wrong products frequently, it may lead to excessive sebum production. People usually think that if they have dry skin, they should be using a skin care product meant for dry skin throughout the year, but that’s unnecessary. You may have to change your daily skincare routine with the changing weather and climate.
  • Skipping the moisturizer: Most people believe that using a moisturizer can make their skin oilier, but that’s not the case. If you have oily skin, you should choose a lightweight moisturizer and, most preferably, a water-based moisturizer instead of skipping the moisturizer. It will be much better for oily skin. Sometimes skipping the moisturizer can make our skin dry, making the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, which may lead to even more oily skin than before.

no scars facewash

Remedial measures to control the oily skin

Following are some of the most suitable remedial measures which can be taken to tackle the problem of oily skin: –

  • Exfoliate once a week: Exfoliation can be used as a measure to control the problem of oily skin if done in a limited time interval. Usually, it is suggested that the persons suffering from oily skin should exfoliate at least once a week, as it will help them prevent the skin pores from clogging. There are many oil-free scrubs available in the market, especially for persons having excessive greasy skin.
  • Use Astringent: Astringent is a valuable product for dealing with oily skin issues. It helps in tightening the skin pores and also removes excessive oil from the skin. But one thing should be remembered that the astringent contains high-level alcohol. Thus people who have too sensitive skin may find the astringent, harsh and over-drying. It is suggested that one should not use an astringent just after the exfoliation.
  • Use moisturizer twice a day: You should cleanse your face daily if you want to reduce the excessive oil in your skin and after cleansing, if you can do, use an alcohol-free toner to remove any impurities from your skin. Then it is an important thing to remember that you should apply moisturizer at least twice a day.
  • Don’t over-wash your face: In an attempt to remove the excess oil from the skin, people over wash their face. This should not be done because the over washing of the face makes the sebaceous glands more active and makes them produce more of the sebum, which leads to excessive oil, even more than before.
  • Using the right skincare products: There are plenty of skin care products available in the market, and people sometimes become confused regarding which product they should use to keep their skin healthy. Thus, they choose the wrong product for their skin, which may impact their skin adversely and make their skin oilier than before. Thus, it is always suggested that one buy a skincare product after careful research at his level.

To get rid of your oily skin and other minor skin issues, you can use the No Scars cleaning face wash, the best oil control face wash in India. Though many face washes are available in the market, most of them do not provide the desired results and are very expensive. But NoScarsfacewash gets rid of the oily skin within 2-3 weeks, and its continuous use can deliver even better results for other skin issues. It has Aloe Vera extracts which help in making skin clear and less oily. Countless customers are getting benefits from this amazing product. One remedial bonus measure will also be given here.


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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making the lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectations and help in living a better life. Commitment to excellence and continuous innovation backed by research and development is our objective. NO SCARS aims to offer you flawless skin free without any expensive treatments. It leaves the skin glowing and fresh and makes you an instant head-turner.

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