Neem face washUse neem-based home remedies to cure acne problems | No Scars

February 18, 2021by admin0

Perhaps, you are suffering from acne problems and looking for ways and means to treat them. You might not trust the conventional medicines available over the counter at medicine shops since they may have chemicals as their ingredients. When applied on the face or other body parts, such medicines or creams are likely to cause various side effects, including rash and scars.

Neem as an authentic and natural remedy for acne

If you want natural ingredients that can effectively treat acne and other skin related problems, then you can always trust in neem leaves. No scars neem face wash is a beautiful item that is readily available online and on the market. It offers impressive remedies within a short period.

Neem is readily available everywhere and is also cultured as it is a beautiful remedy to treat acne and oily skin. The leaves of the neem plant are well known for their potential antibacterial properties. It can help eliminate acne and acne marks. Being a natural ingredient, it does not introduce any side effect on its usage, be it consumption or topical application. Moreover, it can be used by all skin types. You can get to know more about the benefits offered by NeemNeem, as well as some of the home remedies that can be used without having to consult the doctor.

About neem extracts

In India, the neem plant is revered and considered to be sacred by the natives. Ayurveda, for ages, has realized the magical healing properties of NeemNeem and has introduced it to ordinary people. The entire plant, including the leaves, is beneficial for humanity. Its extract is regarded as a sure, fast, and safe way to prevent further acne outbreaks. However, before you start incorporating it into your skincare regimen, you need to be aware of a few things.

Some valuable characteristics of the neem plant

This healing plant can do come with numerous potential characteristics, some of which you need to be aware of.

  • Acne: Teenage is a beautiful time. But if you suffer from acne breakouts, you may feel that your life is doomed as people will notice it quickly and pass unfavourable remarks. Your smooth, glossy skin will now have some undulations filled with pus and red-coloured spots, thus appearing ugly. Acne issues occurring in teenagers mainly happen due to hormonal imbalances. Several cosmetic products are available in the market. But it will be a wise decision to choose only products with natural ingredients like NeemNeem. No Scars cream is fully Ayurvedic and contains only neem extracts. It is indeed the perfect solution to stop and treat acne breakouts. Besides being affordable, it makes your skin young, smooth, and safe from harmful allergens.
  • Oily skin: Some people have oily skin, and others dry. However, those with excessively oily skin are likely to suffer from acne breakouts. This is because acne is related to oily skin. Irrespective of you have oily or dry skin. It would help if you used cleansers having pure neem extracts. No Scar creams can provide your skin with a purifying and refreshing cleansing effect. It also helps eliminate excess oil that is trapped within your skin pores. Your skin can remain sebum and oil-free with this unique and proven oil regulating mechanism. Therefore, further acne breakouts can be successfully avoided.
  • Dry skin: When applied to your skin, Neem extracts can help regulate oil naturally in the pores. When neem creams and packs are applied to the skin, moisture is maintained at optimal amounts, making your skin glow and smooth. Thus, neem extracts are an excellent remedy for dry skin, and you will not experience acne breakouts.
  • Prevents acne scars: Acnes are ugly looking lumps that appear on the skin and are painful. They will heal on their own after some time without causing any major health issues. But during the healing process, leaving behind scars. Such scars created by acne might be semi-permanent. The scars can also become permanent at times, which means you have to suffer its visibility throughout your life. Neem extracts will prove to be more than handy in such situations. According to skin experts, neem stem and leaf extracts are amazing healers to treat skin inflammation. It also helps to lighten up the dark spots and marks of acne breakouts. Homemade neem packs are also effective to cure acne scars.

Neem masks to treat acne scars

Besides creams, you can also get face masks containing natural neem extracts. You should apply face packs every week and face wash with neem extracts every day to derive clear, acne-free skin.

  • Oats & NeemNeem face mask: This face mask, when applied, can help exfoliate your skin. At the same time, it is good enough to combat acne and related scars. You should avail this option if you seek to use face wash meant for acne and oily skin from reputed brands like No Scars. You can also benefit from home remedial methods. Take some oats, boil them and mash them to create a fine paste. Then take some water and cook some neem leaves in it. Set aside to cool and strain. Mix both oats and NeemNeem and apply on your face. Leave this pack for about 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. Scrub gently for around 5 minutes.
  • Saffron & NeemNeem face mask: This pack can offer you fair, acne-free skin. Saffron promotes fairness, while NeemNeem cures acne emerging on all types of skin. This fantastic blend can help derive flawless skin. However, to derive the best results, it should be applied once a week. Home preparation of this remedy is also simple. Take some leaves. Add rose water to it and create a smooth paste. Include ground saffron powder in this mix and combine thoroughly. Apply the pack to your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes and rinse using cold water.
  • Basil (Tulsi) & Neem face mask: Basil is the queen of herbs rich in antiseptic properties. It also comes with a refreshing minty fragrance. Take some basil and neem leaves, mix thoroughly and create a paste. If you have normal/dry skin, then add honey to about a teaspoon. For oily skin, include sandalwood powder about one teaspoon. Prepare a fine paste. Apply this pack onto your neck and face region. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes and use cold water to rinse it. You can derive excellent results. If you suffer from pre-existing skin conditions like Xeroderma, avoid availing of any home therapy. Do visit a skin specialist for proper consultations.
  • Turmeric & NeemNeem face mask: Both turmeric and NeemNeem are revered in Ayurveda due to their antibacterial and antifungal properties. Combined, they are excellent remedies to cure acne and scars. Moreover, your skin is sure to become radiant, smooth, and glow. Mix turmeric of 3 to 4 pinches with neem paste of 2 tbsp. If your skin is dry, then include whipped cream of 1 tbsp in this mixture. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply the pack to your face and neck. Leave it for about 10 minutes and rinse it using cold water. Apply a light moisturizer.

Neem can easily suit every type of skin and offers quick skincare solutions. You can select No Scar products without any worry and enjoy smooth, acne-free skin.


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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectation and help in living a better life.

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No Scars is a product from Torque Pharmaceuticals, which aims to offer quality products for making the lives of people better. Each product is manufactured to meet customer expectations and help in living a better life. Commitment to excellence and continuous innovation backed by research and development is our objective. NO SCARS aims to offer you flawless skin free without any expensive treatments. It leaves the skin glowing and fresh and makes you an instant head-turner.

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